März 12, 2020

art Karlsruhe 2020

ohne Titel | 2020 | Acrylic, acrylic laquer on canvas | 150x130cm
Some impressions of this year artKARLSRUHE
Jan. 23, 2020

art Karlsruhe 2020

workinprogress studio
I cordially invite you to the upcoming presentation with with Galerie K  alongside many other talented artists at art KARLSRUHE

Okt. 07, 2019

Article about the current exhibition at Galerie K “Mundinger – Stegmann”

Nice article about the exhibition together with Johannes Mundinger in the local newspaper “Badische Zeitung”. Here you can read the

Sep. 21, 2019

„Amélie Ducommun David Stegmann“ exhibition at Galerie K (Barcelona/ESP)

Exhibition: 27.09.2019 – 17.11.2019Opening reception: 26.09.2019 | 7:30 pm We are showing for the first time works by Amélie Ducommun

Sep. 12, 2019

“David Stegmann Johannes Mundinger” exhibition @ Galerie K (Staufen/ GER)

Exhibition: 21.09.2019 – 17.11.2019Opening reception: 20.09.2019 | 7 pm This exhibition is a successful interplay of abstract art. The two